The mission of the Library Advisory Board is to advise and support the Library Director in maintaining the philosophy of the Carnegie Library System and in fulfilling the purpose, goals, and responsibilities of the Trinidad Carnegie Public Library in providing organized access to meet the educational, informational, recreational, and cultural needs of the general public.
Current Members: Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Janet Clark, Laura Vega Flores and Julie Morris
The regular meeting of the advisory board is the 4th Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm in person and virtually. For the virtual meeting invitation, please contact us at 719-846-6841.
The meeting minutes for the current year and the previous year are available directly below. Please reach out to the Library Director for archived minutes. To access the agenda and information regarding upcoming meetings, please see our events page.
*For archived minutes, please contact the Library Director at 719-846-6841.
The Regular Meeting of the Library Advisory Board of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 4:00 pm via Zoom meeting and in person at Carnegie Public Library
The RESCHEDULED Meeting of the Library Advisory Board of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, will be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 4:00 pm via Zoom meeting and in person at Carnegie Public Library
Upcoming meetings: February 25, 2025 4:00 p.m. Library Advisory Board Meeting
Trinidad Carnegie Public Library, 202 N Animas St, Trinidad, CO 81082
Library Advisory Board Meeting
October 22, 2024
The meeting was called to order at the Carnegie Public Library, at 4:03pm by Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Library Advisory Board, President.
Roll Call was taken;
Board Members Present: Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Julie Morris, and
Laura Vega-Flores
Library Staff Present: Jessica Huffman, Library Director
Missing: Janet Clark
Approval of Minutes from September 30, 2024 Meeting
Motion to Approve: Julie
Seconded: Chelsie
Director’s Report
Strategic Plan
Reports by Members
New Business
Motion to adjourn: Julie
The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm
The Regular Meeting of the Library Advisory Board of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 4:00 pm via Zoom meeting and in person at Carnegie Public Library.
Library Advisory Board Meeting
September 30, 2024
The meeting was called to order at the Carnegie Public Library, at 4:01pm by Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Library Advisory Board, President.
Roll Call was taken;
Board Members Present: Janet Clark, Chelsie Kalehuawehe, and Julie Morris
Board Member Present via Zoom: Laura Vega Flores
Library Staff Present: Jessica Huffman, Library Director
Approval of Minutes from August 27, 2024 Meeting
Motion to Approve: Julie
Seconded: Chelsie
Prefacing her report, Jessica thanked the Board for agreeing to meet at this rescheduled date.
All egress lighting is slated to be replaced.
The “Poop” offender lighting situation is still being researched by both Jessica and Sam at Tri Star Security.
A water leak was discovered by the City’s new Building Inspector. It was located in a basement closet and thankfully it is not a structural component, but rather a misaligned downspout. All repairs and fixes will be addressed.
The new volunteer Legal Help team from Pueblo did not show up for their last scheduled session. They provided a phone number for clients to call but then did not answer the phone. Jessica and Tom are sitting down to evaluate this volunteer group and perhaps recruit a new legal team. Patrons who need legal help, need to be assured that it will be there when scheduled.
Trivia Night has returned at Mutiny Cafe and is going strong.
The Common Good Cafe, Tom has reported, is running well.
Tuesday Tots with Phylis is going strong.
Books to Movie this month featured “The Wild Robot” and was a huge hit. The Library paid for 1 child with 1 parent to attend the movie at Tri Peak Theater and a good crowd participated. The theater is very happy with the partnership.
Jessica attended Trinidad State College’s Fall Resource Fair; she promoted Kanopy and signed up some new Library patrons!
The Library will be participating in both Primero’s Fall Fun Night on October 29th and First National Bank’s Trick or Treat event by giving out books and candy.
Always the team player, Jessica submitted to the City next year’s Library budget with many cuts. She is confident that the money loss will not affect services.
City Strategic Plan
By 2027, the City will create a vibrant plan so that Trinidad will be more of a “College Town”. Jessica feels that city-wide acknowledgment and celebrations of Trinidad State College are past due and very much needed.
Reports by Members
Janet: reported that she will miss the October 22, 2024 meeting.
Julie: wanted to formally acknowledge what a great job Jessica is doing for the Library and in turn for the community itself. The rest of the Board wholeheartedly agreed!
New Business
Motion to adjourn: Janet
Meeting adjourned at 4:36pm
The Rescheduled Meeting of the Library Advisory Board of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, will be held on Monday, September 30, 2024, at 4:00 pm via Zoom meeting and in person at Carnegie Public Library
Library Advisory Board Meeting
August 27, 2024
The meeting was called to order at the Carnegie Public Library, at 4:03pm by Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Library Advisory Board, President.
Roll Call was taken;
Board Members Present: Janet Clark, Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Julie Morris, and
Laura Vega-Flores
Library Staff Present: Jessica Huffman, Library Director
Approval of Minutes from July 23, 2024 Meeting
Motion to Approve: Julie
Seconded: Janet
A group discussion was held concerning the procedures that this policy spells out. Janet commented that she thought it was quite thorough and fair, as it requires the petitioner to qualify their concerns. The Advisory Board recommended no changes to this Policy.
The “Poop” offender that was discussed in the last meeting will be addressed with an additional security camera. It has not been decided if the camera will be hardwired or solar – costs are being evaluated.
Things are really gearing up for the fall at the Library. Tuesday Tots, the Legal Help Program, Book to Movies (“The Wild Robot” will be the first featured selection), Trivia Night has returned to Mutiny Cafe, Jessica and the Staff will be at Primero’s Family Fun Night, and Phyllis continues to shine with her traveling Story Time at Head Start and many area schools.
Jessica is working with the Branson Schools and Holy Trinity issuing all English Students Library cards and incentives to visit.
Jessica submitted the library’s budget proposal for next year to the city.
Jessica informed the Board that the City had hired a Strategic Planner to better help the City reach common goals. Some of the Departments have been proposed to consolidate; Jessica explained that in the City Ordinances, the Library is to be a separate department on its own. She is working with the City to keep that organizational policy the same.
Reports by Members
New Business
Motion to adjourn: Janet
The meeting adjourned at 4:52 pm
Library Advisory Board Meeting
July 23, 2024
The meeting was called to order at the Carnegie Public Library, at 4:00 pm by Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Library Advisory Board, President.
Roll Call was taken.
Board Members Present: Janet Clark, Chelsie Kalehuawehe, and Laura Vega-Flores
Board Members Absent: Julie Morris
Library Staff Present: Jessica Huffman, Library Director
Approval of Minutes from June 25, 2024 Meeting
Motion to Approve: Laura
Seconded: Janet
There is a repeat offender who is using a corner of the outside back area as a pooping station. This area, of course, is in a section that the security cameras do not cover. Jessica contacted Bob Just, Trinidad’s Public Works Director, who suggested installing motion sensor lights.
This summer’s Summer Reading Program was the best attended ever, with 108 participants! Also, more readers finished their individual challenges than ever before as well. Jessica was very happy, but she is planning on re-evaluating each age group’s individual goal-setting procedures. She is excited to implement some positive changes for next summer. Even though this summer was a huge success, she thinks the program can be even better. She will maintain the big event themes as this year’s pool party had 117 attendees, the Foam Party had over 300 attendees, the Skateland Party had 48 attendees, and her Story Time presentations at the Farmer’s Market were popular as well.
The Library’s Legal Help Program has resumed with new leadership. It is the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Jessica will submit the Library’s next year’s Budget Proposal on August 1st. All City departments have been asked to reduce their overall budget by 10%. This cut was necessitated by City Sales Tax being down and the inclusion of Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter in the overall City Budget.
Jessica will also submit the State Library Grant by August 31st.
The staff has begun work on fall programming.
Reports by Members
New Business
Jessica requested that in next month’s New Business, the Advisory Board review the Library’s current Reconsideration Policy to refresh our minds and reflect on its ease of application.
Motion to adjourn: Janet
Meeting adjourned at 4:52 pm
The Regular Meeting of the Library Advisory Board of the City of Trinidad, Colorado, will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 4:00 pm via Zoom meeting and in person at Carnegie Public Library
The meeting was called to order at the Carnegie Public Library, at 3:59pm by Chelsie Kalehuawehe, Library Advisory Board, President.
Roll Call was taken;
Board Members Present: Janet Clark, Chelsie Kalehuawehe, and Laura Vega-Flores
Library Staff Present: Jessica Huffman, Library Director
Approval of Minutes from February 27, 2024 Meeting
Motion to Approve: Laura
Seconded: Chelsie
Boards and Commissions Training Update
Chelsie attended this training and reported that this 4-hour training session was jam-packed with good information. One of the main concepts was the importance of running “good” meetings. Good meetings follow Robert’s Rules of Orders and incorporate the following six concepts:
Chelsie also reminded all Board Members when attending meetings, one must be prepared and ready to listen and engage.
Jessica stated that she will put on next month’s Board Agenda a review of Robert’s Rules and a review of our Library Board bylaws to ascertain if the rules are consistent.
Director’s Report
Jessica and the Library Staff are investigating an odd ammonia-based smell in the basement. So far, no source has been determined.
Book to Movie Club continues to be a success. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is next up, followed by How to Train Your Dragon.
Trivia Night, the first Tuesday of each month, at Mutiny Cafe also continues to be very popular. Dekota and Jessica lead this fun, informative evening event.
Philosophy Cafe is changing its format, with a three topic approach.
Tuesday Tots, led by Phyllis, continues its success as well.
The Adult Book Club, Time Out for Reading, is solid with a core base of readers is looking to attract some fresh bibliophiles.
The Library is hosting a Solar Eclipse event on Monday, April 8th. Jessica purchased 300 pairs of eclipse glasses and will have some on hand for the event and is also handing out 2 pairs per family upon Library patrons’ request. The Library will have their telescope set up during the eclipse for safe viewing as well.
Jessica is focusing grant money this calendar year on the Large Print Collection. She acknowledged that the Library serves quite a large group of patrons who seek out this collection, and these books are generally more expensive than the traditional print size.
She is also working on purchases for the Experiential Collection. These include; Triggers tickets, Main Street Live tickets, Swimming Pool passes, and she is considering; Skateland passes, Movie tickets and Monument Lake passes.
She was thrilled to report that the LIbrary’s two backpacks for the State Park experience have been replaced by the State Library Commission.
Jessica is working to finalize the Summer Reading Program’s big events.
The Library Foundation is being revitalized and approached Jessica about a possible Library fundraiser. The fundraiser will celebrate its 30th anniversary and per Jessica’s suggestion may target its focus on a possible Book Mobile!
Jessica and all staff will attend a Library in-service Training Program, Rural Meet and Greet, in Pueblo on April 16th.
Reports by Members
Laura reminded everyone that April is National Autism Acceptance Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Laura also suggested that a “New Business” section be added to our Library Board Agendas. Jessica thought that was a great idea and she would look into the addition.
Motion to adjourn: Janet
Seconded: Laura
Meeting adjourned at 5:07pm